Your subscription begins when you sign up and enter your credit card information. After your free trial, you will be charged $4.95 for the first month, and automatically renew on the same day each month following. For each month you subscribe, you have unlimited access to all of our classes, and you earn 1 credit to add a class to your personal library — where access never expires. In addition to all the expert instruction, we also provide inspiration and a community of like-minded DIYers so you can connect and share your work.
Articles in this section
- How do I reach customer service?
- What is Creativebug?
- How do I become a member of Creativebug?
- What's the latest Creativebug subscription deal?
- How does a subscription work?
- What is a Daily Practice?
- Why does the video stop playing after 30 seconds? Why does the video not play at all?
- Where can I download the PDF for a class?
- I purchased a class, but I really want to subscribe. How can I switch to a subscription?
- When does the class start?
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